Wednesday, September 22, 2010

US House puts ocean, coasts under UN: Senate Vote Will Seal the Deal

Here is a tiny part of the article to get you fully pissed.

The Consolidated Land, Energy, Aquatic Restoration Act of 2009 (aka: CLEAR Act, HR 3534) gives away ownership of America’s oceans to the United Nations, and sectors America into nine geographic areas. This bill possesses a cap and trade/climate change component as well.

America will be forced to become a member of the UN Law of the Sea Treaty (aka: LOST), circumventing the normal two-thirds U.S. Senate vote necessary for ratification of any treaty. This was accomplished surreptitiously via Section 106 of the bill, which specifies that Executive Orders, rules, regulations, directives or delegations of authority that precede the effective date of this act are applicable to the CLEAR Act.

You can read the full article here.


LL said...

It won't happen soon, but one day I hope we have enough votes in Congress to extricate the US from the United Nations and repudiate all legislation and treaties that arose from same.

Supi said...

LL- I am with you.

Woodsterman (Odie) said...

I have to go f***ing throw-up now and morn the death of the greatest country the world has ever owned. I have to stop now or people will come to my house and put me in hand-cuffs.

Supi said...

Odie - It is sickening. It still has to come up to the senate for a vote.

Teresa said...

We must continue highlighting this, informing the public, and contacting our Reps so that we can stop this crapola. The U.N. needs to be disbanded, or at least kicked out of the U.S. Thanks for the information, Supi.

Supi said...

Teresa - You are welcome.